Saturday, November 18, 2006

2.5 weeks late - but Happy Hallowe'en

Now, dont get too excited when i say we are 2.5 weeks late, i am only referring to our pics from hallowe'en. Baby Madigan will be the only child that "looks just like jason", sorry mom.

Anyways...Robyn did a great job of decorating the place, again. It was kinda funny how all the neighbourhood kids would come up to watch. They let us know that we have the best house on the block. One of the neighbouring fathers came by to "assist" Robyn - but thats a different story altogether.

Kevin and Joanne and Violet all came over to help with some pumpkin carving - not bad for being sober!

We went to the Governors hours to see the pumpkin display there. It was freaking cold, but this guy does an amazing job of carving. We found out later that they arent real pumpkins, but a styrofoam model. Great idea, just need a good place to store them for the rest of the year. But it sure beats the real ones when it comes time to clean them up. It was pissing down rain, and my hand went through more than one of them as i was taking down the decorations.

Here is one for Michael. Hot Wife Alert!!!

We had a great time, got to scare the hell out of lots of kids (and a few parents) Robyn made some INCREDIBLE edibles, again. Siobhan was able to go get some good loot with Arlenes cute little Maddie, and the most important thing - she was willing to share with Uncle!

Sunday, November 05, 2006


Not sure if anyone has ever tried to take a 4 year old crabbing, along with a slightly less crabby mother.
If you havent, you really should. It will put you off children. I almost did my own vasectomy that day.

After the go carts, we thought it would be fun (haha) to go out to my friends place and drop some crab traps. Catch us some dinner like the good little scout i am!

We started a few hours later than we had hoped (nothing new there!), got some bait(at the superstore) and made the trek out to East Sooke. In the new truck with two females that are prone to carsickness - great thinking unkaJ.

We get to Bobs, and find that we forgot to bring her lifejacket. Lucky for us, Bob has some spares, and one even fits Siobhan. We grab the traps, jump into the creaky row boat with the wonky oarlocks and start to cruise. 2/3 people surveyed at this point would say they were having a good time. The 4yr old demographic - not so much.

We get out, drop the traps and head back to shore. This will be the only comment made about Robyn's navigational disabilities. UnkaJ is a great rower, but he rows like unka Brodie swims - in circles.

Anyways, traps are down, we are on shore. Now we have an hour to kill. These pics are of a place called Silver Spray, very nice but may never actually be built. Some zoning issues or something like that. I would care if it were closer to town.

An hour later, we find that the traps are empty. OK, not completely skunked, there were a couple of small females, but we managed to get them out of the trap and back into the sea, without touching them. Unfortunately for one of them, she fell into the boat, under the skids. It was dark and murky water, and there was no freaking way i was going to stick my fingers in there, as i KNEW that there was at least one crab in there, waiting to lop off a digit.

We get back to shore, tie up the boat. Save the lone crab (again, without touching much of it. It didnt really swim away that quickly, we think it may have been napping)

Now we need to drive out to Sooke to find a place to buy our crab. Investment so far is limited to gas to get here, and $6 for bait. Oh, and $10 for goodies to eat on the way.

We get to the Sooke marina, nothing. At the fishermans wharf, we find "The Crab Shack". Unfortunately for us, it closed 45mins before we got there. We did get to see a pair of harbour seals, and some guys using part of their salmon catch to lure them to the wharf. Siobhan was amazed, as were we. If you have ever looked into the eye of a seal, you know what i speak of. If not, sucks to be you!

So, another 1.5 hrs have passed since we left the unlucky crab traps. We still need crab. The grocery store in Sooke has some precooked Dungeoness for $10 each!! Talk about price gouging!

We wanted fresh crab, and by Jesus we were going to have it!.

We drive the 45mins BACK into town, so that we can go to the Superstore (yeah, thats right, the place we bought our bait). Lo and Behold they have fresh crab!!! And for the reasonable (?!) price of $5 per lb!

So, 4 people, 4 crabs = $60

Fricking hell.

We ate crab, and i would NOT let anyone waste any. If bulemia was required, this crab was going to be eaten!

Next time I say I have a great idea, someone please shoot me!

We Even had to get this pic off the internet!

Sharing is Caring

Well, due to popular demand we have decided to upload some pics of the "Elegante" life we live.

These pics are from a little while back, the last day that the Waterslides was open. Siobhan got to go go-carting with the two boys that she used to live beside.

She had a good time, but sadly, she is probably going to drive like her mother. Luckily she will likely have the same early warning system that the two women drivers in this household have. The rule on this street is if you hear the bass thumping, get the hell off the street!! The local mothers love us. Yay.