Friday, February 23, 2007


Uhm, yeah, er,so.....

I kinda sorta accidently deleted the FU***NG pictures from Makenna's bday.

I'm a horrible uncle. I will blame my failure on the substandard parenting i had.

The worst part is, when Aunties Barb and Robyn BOTH say (at seperate times) "Didnt it warn you?" - cuz i am supposed to be the computer guy.

Bloody hell.

To make up for it, we went back in time and found some other pics...

We were pretty damned cute kids...what the heck happened?
Does this look more like Maeve or Madigan?

Apparently is was "OK" to leave your children out in the sun. I'm sure you were slathered in sunscreen...This might explain the melanoma, Danica.

Hard to believe he has his own baby now!!!

Bet she just farted...

Sorry Tig, i had to post this one. Sadly, there are more.

Who would do this to a poor defenseless young boychild?

Scroll down...

Trying to decide if Stunning is the right description. Maybe Stunned?

Work that TuppaWare. Is that the evil eye, or the "get the f*ck out of here with that camera" look? Notice any similarities to the above pic?

So, i will promise to try not to delete pics until i know that they are safe to be deleted.

If these pics made you leaky around the eyeholes, please pretend that they were from the incredibly Great party we had @ JumpinJiminy's!.

Long Live Fairy Bread!!!


Sunday, February 04, 2007

what ever!

Ok, so apparently its been a little while since our last post. Some of you have been hinting that it might be getting close to time for a new one.
Just for the record, you aren't very subtle.

Oh well, for those of you who dont have a life - here are a couple of pics from ours!
Unca Tig and Auntie Row sent some cute cookie cutters from Down Unda for Christmas. Here is the chicken busy in the kitchen. Insert obligatory chauvinist joke here.

Apparently there were some pics on the camera still. These are a few that we took while we were out at Bouchart Gardens. It was very nice, Siobhan LOVES to skate, but only for 30seconds at a time. The other two girls didnt fall into too many strangers

We had a recent tragedy. Auntie Barbs iPod has played its last tune. There will be a service for it (no music though) and a search shall be conducted for a replacement to let the healing begin. The planned obsolence software seems to be working just fine, thanks Mr. Jobs. In lieu of flowers, cash donations will be accepted.

We are looking forward to hanging out with Makenna and friends next week at Jumpin Jimminy's. Unka J will try to control himself in there with all the yummy mommies, er, scratch that. With all the unfatiguable children. Hopefully he will not catch anything while in the germ infested playground. Hopefully the children dont catch anything from the germ infested Unka J.

We will promise to try to remember to think about posting more often. We are masters of procrastination, but it COULD happen!

If not, the next post will likely contain pics from Mexico!!!
